Vous avez un faible pour nos dessins et aimeriez faire créer votre tatouage par notre équipe ? Le format ou la quantités que vous chercher n'est pas offerte sur la boutique ? Écrivez-nous et parlez-nous de votre projet. julie@lestatoues.com
frequently asked Questions
The minimum quantity is 1000 units per visual. This lot is not divisible. If you have several visuals, it is possible to combine them on a larger sheet.
If the format you want is not offered, do not hesitate to write to us. julie@lestatoues.com
The back of the tattoos includes instructions in French and English, as well as the ingredients. It is possible to add your logo and a web address. Some formats require a compact version of your logo. The back of the tattoo is printed in black only.
The number of colors does not affect the cost of tattoos.
Digital files such as .jpg, .tiff, .png or .psd images, at 300 dpi as well as .eps, .ai and .pdf vector files.
A margin of 1/8'' will be left around your visual.
- Our delivery times are 3 weeks (15 working days).
- Our prices include delivery costs. You will receive the tracking number when your tattoos are delivered to us.
- Tattoos are individually cut to your chosen size. A transparent protective film covers each of the tattoos and they are delivered in packs of 200 attached by an elastic band.